Android Accessibility Scanner

Accessibility Scanner aids over 26.4 million developers and QA testers in automated accessibility testing by detecting accessibility bugs and offering suggestions to improve product usability.

My designs launched in Q1 2021 on the Google Play Store, and resulted in Scanner identifying 132% more accessibility bugs found per day. Accessibility Scanner was highlighted by Google Design as a go-to resource during the ADA Anniversary.


My Role – Lead UX Designer

As the Lead UX Designer for Accessibility Scanner, I designed and launched Scanner’s new features: ‘Record Mode’ and ‘Edit Color Contrast Mode’. As the sole designer working alongside a Tech Lead and 3 engineers, I managed both user research and design.

Record Mode

‘Record Mode’ enables testers to assess the accessibility of a flow of interactions as opposed to a single snapshot. During the design of record mode, I designed a custom extendable floating action button (FAB), 5 new layouts for the app to seamlessly integrate multiple screen suggestions, and updated the visual design to be consistent with Material 2 design language.

Edit Color Contrast Mode

The ‘Edit Color Contrast Mode’ within a color contrast suggestion allows users to adjust the foreground and background of the detected element to reduce false positives within the system, as well as, identify which color combinations suffice in contrast. I designed a custom color picker tool that supports fine motor movements through arrows and gross movements through dragging affordances. Additionally, I designed the accessibility features for screen reader and switch device experiences for people who have disabilities.

Furthermore, I advocated for both automated color suggestions, as well, as the ability to choose a custom color using the color picker. I conducted user research to validate my designs and hone in on the exact magnification level users preferred for the color picker.



Throughout the design process, I led weekly design reviews with the Tech Lead and 3 engineers. I outlined research plans and conducted cognitive walkthroughs with QA users and with people who have disabilities. I designed end-to-end flows and iterated designs based on findings and stakeholder feedback. Upon hand-off, I outlined redline specs and accessibility specs for my engineering partners.


  • Project Scoping

  • Market Analysis

  • Ideation

  • Design Direction

  • Lofi Explorations (Wireframes)

  • Midfi Explorations (Wireframes)

  • Cognitive Walkthrough (Study Plan and Moderation)

  • HiFi Designs and Flows

  • Accessibility (Large Font, Magnification, Screen Reader and Switch Device Experiences)

  • Internationalization

  • User Education

  • Motion Design

  • Dark Theme

For more details on my process, contact


Accessibility Scanner Functionality

Android Developers: Accessibility Scanner – Custom FAB and accessibility suggestions

(1:09) Android Developers: Color Contrast – Custom color picker tool and edit colors mode